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Video produced by Montserrat Familiar-Bolanos

Music is Flashing Lights by Kanye West.

I do NOT own the rights to the music


HeartMusic Dress: The red LED lights create the shape of a music note. A mirco-controller is connected to a heart sensor, which attached to the ear. The lights blink to the heart of the wearer. $130


Mi.DATP:  Most Interesting Dress At The Part [MiDATP] A simple black dress that turns ten LED lights on when it is dark. A micro-controller and rechargeable battery are located under the right armpit.  $145


Cat Breathing Skirt: Six Green LED lights are sewn along the waist of the cheat print skirt. A mirco-controller is programmed to give the lights the appearance of breathing. The battery pack requires 2 coin cell batteries. $80


ATL is EL wire embroiderd onto a wall hanging. 

Video produced by Montserrat Familiar-Bolanos.

Music is Latch by Sam Smith.  I do NOT own the rights to the music. 


LED patch:  A patch that can be placed on any garment. Four white LED lights are sewn with conductive thread to a micro-controller. A light sensor controls the brightness of the LEDs. The battery pack requires 2 coin cell batteries. $45

LIFFE rePurposed:   A repurposed curtain sewn into a matching skirt and crop top. LIFFE is embroider with EL wire onto the back of the crop top. The battery pack is located under the armpit. $100

You're the Universe:  A blinking universe costume. Composed of 20 LED lights, a micro-controller, and battery pack. $50

Dready Bear Backpack: A repurposed stuffed animal turned into an interactive backpack. You can plug any MP3 into the headphone jack to have your music play from the animal ears. Then you can simply watch the bass blink the animal’s eyes. $100

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