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At Hampshire College LIFFE Couture joined forces with  the wonderful Miriam King to produce a piece in the Division Three dance concert. We collaborated strongly for four months in 2015. LIFFE Couture created five unique costumes for three female bodied  and two male bodied dancers. This experience encouraged the experimentation of simple and durable wearable technology.


LIFFE Couture embroidered over 100 white 3MM LED lights, each costume consisted of 18-30 lights. The lights were designed to flow with the movement of the dancers. Each costume was created to be individual; hinting at the reality of individuals building themselves to become one fluid force. The lights where connected in series to a LilyPad Tiny. LiFFE over wrote the default code to display specific light rhythms at specific moments of the piece. 

The entire dance is about ten minutes long. The costumes were strong and worked consistently. 

Video by:Montserrat Familiar-Bolanos

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